Switzerland as a Tourism destination 2022 Best

This paper explores how Hollywood is influencing the perception of Switzerland as a Tourism destination. Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter provides the conceptual base to the study and develops the topic through a critical review of pertinent and up to date published literature from a range of sources.
Switzerland as a Tourism destination
Chapter 2. LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter provides the conceptual base to the study and develops the topic through a critical review of pertinent and up to date published literature from a range of sources. (Books, journal articles, websites, news reports, marketing reports, published statistics etc). The review shows an awareness of what other writers have said about the topic and the relevance of other research. The literature helps to refine the research question and identify what you want to find out through your research and why.
Switzerland as a Tourism destination
Your primary data and conclusions must be linked to the literature. 2.1 INTRODUCTION Introduction to the chapter, purpose and structure of literature review. This lets the reader know what to expect in the chapter. 2.2 (Topic heading title e.g. Importance of Skills in the Service Sector) This chapter should be broken down into appropriate numbered headings and sub headings. 2.3 SUMMARY Brief summary of main points from the review; re-emphasise the argument; refocus the research question.
Switzerland as a Tourism destination
Summary can be in bullet points; Link forward to next chapter. It is important to note that students have an opportunity to submit chapter 2 in Turnitin. This is done so students can have additional formative feedback regarding their progress, especially in terms of plagiarism and paraphrasing. https://youtu.be/3ldqFSVOxIU
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