Standardized Testing 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore whether standardized Testing is doing more harm than good. Paper details Read “Developing a Final Draft of a Research Paper,” Chapter 12.2 in the Writing for Success online textbook. This chapter provides detailed guidelines for composing a research/argument paper.
Standardized Testing
Paper details Read “Developing a Final Draft of a Research Paper,” Chapter 12.2 in the Writing for Success online textbook. This chapter provides detailed guidelines for composing a research/argument paper. Toward the end of the chapter is an example of a completed paper including APA in-text citations and the all-important “References” page. Take careful note of the formatting of the entire paper. The research/argument paper must meet the following criteria and contain the following components: A minimum of four (4) typed pages in APA style format.
Standardized Testing
An “Abstract” page is not required A clear thesis (or claim) statement in the Introduction (usually the last sentence in the intro) At least three (3) main points supporting the thesis (Body) At least two (2) direct quotations with correct punctuation and in-text citations A Conclusion that paraphrases the thesis from the Introduction At least four (4) valid sources (may be the same as those in your annotated bibliography) A References page (APA formatted).
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