Social psychology: Interpersonal attraction

In social psychology, interpersonal attraction is mostly measurable using the Interpersonal Attraction Judgment Scale . The scale in which a subject rates another person on factors such as intelligence, knowledge of current events, morality, adjustment, likability, and desirability as a work partner. Further, this scale seems to be directly related with other measures of social attraction such as social choice, feelings of desire for a date, sexual partner or spouse, voluntary physical proximity, frequency of eye contact, etc.


 Factors that influence interpersonal attraction:  Social psychology

There are many factors that lead to interpersonal attraction. Studies suggest that all factors involve social reinforcement. The most frequently studied include physical attractiveness, frequency of interaction, familiarity, similarity, complementarity, reciprocal liking, and reinforcement. The impact of familiarity, for example,  the way physical proximity and interaction enhances cohesiveness.  This social concept  facilitates communication and positive attitude towards a particular individual on account of similarities or the ability to satisfy important goals. Similarity is more likely to lead to liking and attraction than differences. Numerous studies have focused on the role of physical attractiveness to personal attraction. One finding was that people tend to attribute positive qualities such as intelligence, competence, and warmth to individuals who have a pleasing physical appearance.

Similarity attraction effect


The proverb “birds of a feather flock together” has been of use to illustrate  similarity effect. That is, similarity is a crucial determinant of interpersonal attraction. Studies about attraction indicate that  there is strong attraction to lookalikes in physical and social appearance. This similarity is in the broadest sense: similarity in bone-structure, characteristics, life goals and physical appearance. The more these points match, the happier, satisfying and prosperous people are in these relationships

Physical appearance: Social psychology

The matching hypothesis  suggests that people are more likely to form long standing relationships with those who have equal social attributes. For example, like physical attractiveness. The study by researchers Walster and Walster supported the matching hypothesis by showing that partners who were similar in terms of physical attractiveness expressed the most liking for each other. Another study also found evidence that supported the matching hypothesis: photos of dating and  couples were rated in terms of attractiveness, and a definite tendency was found for couples of similar attractiveness to date or engage.

  • Quality of voice
  • social and cultural aspects


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