Social constructs of race 2022 Best

Social constructs of race

This report will cover the topics of social inequality, stratification, and the social constructs of race, ethnicity, and gender. Using the information you learned thus far, you will complete a chart to provide examples of each construct and how they affect individuals within a society.

Social constructs of race

Directions This report will cover the topics of social inequality, stratification, and the social constructs of race, ethnicity, and gender. Using the information you learned thus far, you will complete a chart to provide examples of each construct and how they affect individuals within a society. After you complete the chart, you will write a narrative that describes the similarities and differences between each construct and how it impacts the individual, as well as ways in which it may affect the individual within the workplace. An example is provided in the chart, but please do not use it as one of your responses. Your narrative should be 550 words minimum.

Social constructs of race

A brief overview of your narrative. (It should be about 100 words.) Body In your own words: Describe what social inequality is. Then, outline the similarities and differences between the social constructs of race, ethnicity, and gender. Summarize how each construct can affect an individual within the workplace. (It should be about 350 words and organized into paragraphs.) Conclusion Summarize and restate your main points. (It should be about 100 words.) SOSC102 – Grading Rubric Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Points Chart Content 45 points 45 points

Social constructs of race

The information and examples provided for the social inequality, stratification system, and our society in each category is very detailed and well thought-out. 30-44 points The information and examples provided for the social inequality, stratification system, and our society in each category is detailed. 0-29 points 1 or more cells of the chart are missing, and the information is not relevant to the topic. Narrative 45 points 45 points The narrative exceeds the 550-word minimum. The narrative goes above and beyond to describe the similarities and differences as well as how each construct affects the individual. 26-44 points The narrative meets the 550-wordminimum.

Social constructs of race

The narrative briefly describes the similarities and differences as well as how each construct affects the individual. 0-25 points.  The narrative is incomplete and less than 550 words. The narrative is missing information about the similarities and differences as well as how each construct affects the individual. Grammar/Mechanics/ Language 10 points 10 points The response contains no errors in grammar/ mechanics/language. 5-9 points The response contains 1-5 errors in grammar/ mechanics/language. Errors do not distract the reader from the overall meaning of the presentation. 0-4 points The response contains 6 or more errors in grammar/ mechanics/language. Errors distract the reader from the overall meaning of the presentation.

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