Role of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an essay discussing the role of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex. For example, how does dramatic irony affect the audience’s perception of Oedipus?
Role of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex.
Write a 1000 word essay on one of the following topics, supporting that essay with two research sources: 1. Write an essay discussing the role of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex. For example, how does dramatic irony affect the audience’s perception of Oedipus? Is the audience more or less sympathetic toward Oedipus? Why or why not? How does the audience perceive Oedipus’ quarrels with Teiresias and Creon? Or, how does dramatic irony affect the audience’s perception of Jocasta?
Role of dramatic irony in Oedipus Rex.
2. Write an essay discussing the presentation of fate versus free will in the play. For example, is Oedipus predestined to his fate, or does he have free will? Are these two ideas completely incompatible? Can Oedipus be held responsible for his actions, if his fate is predestined? 3. Write an essay discussing the function of the chorus in Oedipus Rex. What purpose does the chorus serve? 4. Write an essay discussing the role of sight and blindness in the play.
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