Research on immigration -The federal government.
For this assignment we will carry out a preliminary research on immigration. The federal government has sole jurisdiction to enforce the immigration laws, but some states intentionally obstruct federal enforcement efforts and label themselves as sanctuary cities.
Research on immigration -The federal government.
For this assignment conduct some preliminary research, provide a brief opinion on the immigration debate. There is an estimation to be anywhere between 11 and 20 million undocumented aliens in the US. The estimate vary because its not easy to count the population. In addition, enforcing the immigration laws is problematic because there are different views about the seriousness of the problem. The federal government has sole jurisdiction to enforce the immigration laws, but some states intentionally obstruct federal enforcement efforts and label themselves as sanctuary cities.
Research on immigration -The federal government.
The canvas from Central America continue to be a problem for the Department of Homeland Security. Some consider migration problems to be a crisis while others do not. Since President Trump was elected in 2016 the immigration debate has increased in intensity. For this assignment conduct some research , provide a brief opinion on the debate. Make sure you support your opinion with research and include a bibliography.
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