Registered Nurse profession. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on Registered Nurse profession. The main goal is to write an essay describing the profession and then responding/arguing why or why not, that career would be a good career for you.
Registered Nurse profession.
The profession selected is: Registered Nurse Use the linked website as one source, then use at least one other one also. Your assignment is to write an essay describing the profession and then responding/arguing why or why not, that career would be a good career for you. This essay is somewhat of an argument paper, not just an informational paper; you are trying to convince the reader to see things your way. This means you must take a side or position and argue for it.
Registered Nurse profession.
In order to do this, your argument should appeal to the reader’s sense of logic and reason, good character, and emotion. For example, you might base it on the qualifications required compared to your results on the intelligence survey (or any other type survey you might have taken) i.e., what your strengths or weaknesses are. Thus, you might compare a requirement of the profession to a strength you have. Audience: Anyone in this class should be able to understand your paper. Do not expect your audience to understand jargon specific to your career. Use judgment on what you need to clarify or explain.
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