Racist images of Native Americans : present day mainstream.
This assignment explores why do racist images of Native Americans continue to appear routinely in present – day mainstream U.S. culture when equally offensive examples of racist imagery of other ethnic minority groups have been eradicated and removed.
Racist images of Native Americans : present day mainstream.
One of the questions we explored with the CSA: The Confederate States of America movie was why most offensive and stereotypical images of African Americans had been removed from public discourse by a combination of social progress and Political Correctness, but equally offensive and racist images of Native Americans had not.
For this assignment you will write a paper that seeks to answer that question – why do racist images of Native Americans continue to appear routinely in present-day mainstream U.S. culture when equally offensive examples of racist imagery of other ethnic minority groups have been eradicated and removed.
Racist images of Native Americans : present day mainstream.
You should consider what it is about Native Americans that seems to make them different, in the eyes of mainstream white U.S. society, than other minority groups in America today. Why, when Indigenous People say they find a portrayal of their culture and ethnic identity offensive. Does white society ignore their views and carry on using that offensive imagery? What is different about Native Americans? Sources
Your paper MUST draw on course materials about Native American stereotypes we have explored in this course. And you MUST quote from these materials in support of your argument in your paper.
In addition, you should draw from at least one of these two additional sources:
· Informal interviews conducted with people of different generations (e.g. peers of your own age, people of older generations (e.g. your parents and/or your grandparents, or equivalent).
Racist images of Native Americans : present day mainstream.
If you conduct interviews with people from your own age group, they CANNOT be taking this course with you this semester.
· Web material. This MUST be from credible and legitimate sources. This includes: scholarly/academic journal articles (e.g. found via the MSU Library website); national newspapers (e.g. the New York Times or Washington Post, but NOT small regional or local newspapers); official tribal websites (e.g. of one of the twelve tribes still resident in Michigan today); or U.S. government websites (e.g. that of the Bureau of Indian Affairs). You CANNOT use blogs/vlogs, random search engine websites. Or sites that are not affiliated with a U.S. government agency or a Native American tribe.
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