Poets body of work Lucille Clifton – 2022 Best

For today’s assignment we will focus on writing an analysis paper that explores one poets body of work Lucille Clifton (e.g., Lucille Clifton; Sylvia Plath; Jericho Brown).
Poets body of work Lucille Clifton
Paper details You have options for this final project. The more traditional option is a 4-page (1000 word) analysis paper that explores one poet’s body of work (e.g., Lucille Clifton; Sylvia Plath; Jericho Brown). If the analysis paper is a format you’re already familiar and comfortable with, go for it! I enjoy reading them. 🙂 But you can also consider other options for presenting what you’ve learned from your research, such as a Spotify music playlist, a social media site, an original chapbook (homemade book) of poems, a recorded spoken word performance, or a series of letters to a poet of your choice.
Poets body of work Lucille Clifton
If you choose the traditional analysis paper route, I’d like you to compose a literary analysis paper (4 full double-spaced pages / 1000 words) examining a specific poet we’ve studied whose work strikes you as particularly compelling. You may write about what interests you in the poet’s work!, but be sure to base your analysis on at least 5 of the poet’s poems. Be sure to use lots of direct quotes in your analysis of the poems, and cite the line numbers. Research is not required; however, if you’d like to incorporate what others have written about your poet’s work, feel free to do so—just be sure to cite your sources correctly and include a Works Cited page.
Poets body of work Lucille Clifton
You must cite your source if you borrow ideas or information from someone else, including a website! Here’s a handout about how to quote poetry! If you choose the creative project route, I’d like you to create something that is inspired by what you learned in class. For example: a chapbook of 8 original poems inspired by Ruth Forman a Spotify playlist of 8 songs that resonate in your mind with specific Emily Dickinson poems a video performance (or series of Tik Tok performances) featuring original spoken word poems inspired by The Silent Poet’s performance. https://youtu.be/XM7q_DUk5wU
Poets body of work Lucille Clifton
A twitter account that distills 10 to 15 of our course poems (or 10 to 15 poems by a specific poet) into fun, meaningful tweets or a series of 5 letters (or emails, or text threads) to a course poet of your choice in which you respond to at least 5 of their poems and ask them questions.
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