Non-native plant species 2022 Best

This paper answers questions about the introduction of non-native plant species in the urbanization of the RGV. Question 1: What are the native and non native plant species found in urbanization areas? Aim 2: Ratios of native and non native plant species in the urbanization areas
Non-native plant species
Aim 1: The native and non native plant species found in urbanization areas? Question 1: What are the native and non native plant species found in urbanization areas? Aim 2: Ratios of native and non-native plant species in the urbanization areas Question 2. What are the ratios of native and non-native plant species in the urban areas? Your final project should have Abstract – 150 words Introduction – minimum 500 words Methodology – varies, it can be short Results – Data tables and graphs, description of the data and graphs.
Non-native plant species
Discussion and Conclusion – minimum 500 words Data Collection As part of this project, you will be comparing 10 locations (5 urbanized versus 5 no urbanized areas in the Rio Grande Valley). For this assignment, you will be to use your cellphone to collect the information. 1. Coordinate for the 10 sites – See instructions using this link ( 2. Take pictures of plants 3. Identify plants – Google app then use Google lens icon or follow the instructions using the picture (
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