Multipliers in Oil Economies – 2022 Best

Report on state dependent Government Spending Multipliers in Oil Economies: Evidence from Iran. Most of the empirical VAR literature on the macroeconomics of fiscal policy does not distinguish between different types of government spending and treats total government spending as a single fiscal instrument.
Multipliers in Oil Economies.
This assignment is about a referee report.. .. Firstly, referee report should include Summary (overview-general impression) + major comments+ specific/minor comments. Secondly, this paper that I want to referee (State-dependent Government Spending Multipliers in Oil Economies: Evidence from Iran). Thirdly, most of the empirical VAR literature on the macroeconomics of fiscal policy does not distinguish between different types of government spending and treats total government spending as a single fiscal instrument. Fourthly, most of the literature interprets the empirical effects of this total government spending instrument as if they were the result of changes in government consumption of goods and services.
Multipliers in Oil Economies
However, government spending is not only consumption of goods and services. Government spending has tow parts: government investment and government consumption. I will restrict attention to government investment. Most of the literature looks at the aggregate effects, only a few papers investigates the sectoral effects of a rise in government imacroeconomics nvestment. Government investments affect different aspects of the economy, more particularly on traded and non-traded sector.
Multipliers in Oil Economies
The objective of my thesis is to identify the exogenous shock to government investment.. By collecting some data on time series of government investment for OECD countries. It aim to make a distinction between a traded and a non-traded sector.. To explore empirically the effects of a shock to government investment and to identify which sector (trade or non traded) will benefit from the rise in government investment.
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