Mental Health: Youths and Adolescents Mental Health
Multiple factors determine mental health outcomes. The more risk factors adolescents are vulnerable to, the greater the potential impact on their mental health. Quality of care and patient safety are the two most essential elements of a healthcare system. Improving the quality of care and enhancing patient safety requires systemic and systematic changes within the healthcare system. This paper analyzes mental health among youths and adolescents from a leadership, care collaboration, communication, change management, and policy perspectives.
Population Health
The problem that I will explore in this project is mental health/ psychiatric disorders. It is the state of well-being in which individuals can cope with normal stress in life (Thomas, 2017). Mental health is as an essential element in the achievement of global development objectives. Therefore, mental health is a priority to world leaders through inclusion in the sustainable development goals.
According to the WHO (2019), the mental disorders affecting people worldwide include stress-related disorders like depression, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, psychoses, and developmental disorders such as autism. These conditions are characterized by disturbed perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (World Health Organization, 2019). However, some of these are preventable and can be effectively treated.
The population group that I intend to work with during the practicum comprises the youths and adolescents. Therefore, this practicum aims at evaluating mental and psychiatric disorders among youths and adolescents. The adolescence and youth stages are also very formative in that individuals at this stage experience drastic social, physical, and emotional changes (World Health Organization, 2020). According to the World Health Organization (2020), promoting psychosocial well-being among youths is essential as it influences their physical and mental health in adulthood.
Global Statistics
The global statistics on mental health among youths and adolescents show the necessity to address this challenge. Youths and adolescents account for one-fourth of the total global population totaling 1.8 million individuals (Chadda, 2018). According to the WHO (2020), “Mental health conditions account for 16% of the global burden of disease and injury in people aged 10-19 years.”
Further, half of the mental disorders begin at 14 and are often undetected and untreated. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15 to 19-year-olds (World Health Organization, 2020). According to Chadda (2018), about 20-25% of youths and adolescents suffer from mental and substance abuse disorders. The prevalence rates of mental disorders (excluding tobacco use) are about 7.39% among the age group 18-29 (Chadda, 2018). Taking care of the mental health of these individuals is essential since these disorders have a relapsing course.