Mathematics of Real Life – 2022 Best

This paper explores the Mathematics of Real Life. So, in this assignment, you will select a news story, identify the use of mathematical findings within the story, uncover potential author bias, and relate bias to reader interpretation.
Mathematics of Real Life
Firstly, awareness of mathematics in practice happens through intentional focus. Secondly, by investigating headlines, connections to real life can be made. So, in this assignment, you will select a news story, identify the use of mathematical findings within the story, uncover potential author bias, and relate bias to reader interpretation. Create a 3- to 5-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response. Use APA format for the paper, the title page, the references page, and the in-text citations. Also, develop an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
Mathematics of Real Life
Follow the steps to complete the assignment.
Part 1: The Story
Step 1. Watch or Read Watch or read a real news story, past or present.
Step 2. Identify Identify the use of mathematical findings in the information presented. What did the numbers tell you?
Mathematics of Real Life – Author bias, mathematical findings.
Part 2: Potential Bias
Step 3. Uncover Bias Behind every story is an author. What potential bias could be found with the interpretation of the data presented by the source-author or group? Step 4. Address These Questions. What potential bias guides interpretation and also, how do you make an informed decision which factors into the mathematical data and the emotional response? What role do bias as well as extraneous variables play in decision making? Lastly, in your conclusion, provide an example of a personal bias which influences your professional choices.
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