Main steps in supply chain – 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore the main steps in supply chain, examine the role of the AIS in the value chain. On the other hand we will answer questions relating to supply chain.
Main steps in supply chain
Question 1 Google “supply chain” and copy and paste two different descriptions/definitions of the supply chain. Show the URL of internet page you copy it from after each description/definition. Using this information gathered and the text book (Chapter 1, last part of the section on role of the AIS in the value chain). List the main steps in the supply chain (one sentence for each step). Answer the following questions: Firstly, do all businesses have a supply chain yes/no, and are all parts of the supply chain for a business within that same business yes/no.
Main steps in supply chain
Secondly, does a business have full control over all aspects of its supply chain yes/no. Thirdly, what role can an Accounting information system play in enhancing the supply chain. (two sentences). What does supply chain management involve and why is it important to manage the supply chain effectively (two sentences). Question 2 Define the concept of a system using the definition in the text book (1 sentence). Question 3 Match the description in the right column with the information characteristic in the left column.
Main steps in supply chain
1. Relevant a. The report was carefully designed so that the data contained on the report became information to the reader 2. Reliable b. The manager was working one weekend and needed to find some information about production requests for a certain customer. He was able to find the report on the company’s network. 3. Complete c. The data on a report was checked by two clerks working independently 4. Timely d. An accounts receivable aging report that included all customer accounts 5. Understandable e. A report checked by 3 different people for accuracy 6. Verifiable f. An accounts receivable aging report used in credit granting decisions 7. Accessible
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