Low socio economic status : promote inclusion and equity
Given that King County may be a low Low socio-economic status (SES) area, students will discuss strategies the SPT used to promote inclusion and equity within public health programs, policies and systems, addressing at least one social determinant of health
Low socio economic status : promote inclusion and equity
Paper details Use video and other online sources on King’s County to help complete assignment. https://youtu.be/G4kgjVhfTcs. Identify stakeholders and partners involved into the process [similar to a simple stakeholder’s analysis]. Describe which public health principles have stakeholders and staff [if this applies, or the SPT] have discussed (e.g., health equity – others). Identified if in the meetings they [SPT] used negotiation and consensus-building methods (nominal group technique, especially into the prioritization part of the strategies and action plans given scarce resources) with stakeholders and key community partners to work into the planning process. Identify or propose how the SPT may contribute to organizational change strategies into the King County.
Low socio economic status : promote inclusion and equity
Given that King County may be a low SES area. Students will discuss strategies the SPT used to promote inclusion and equity within public health programs. Policies and systems, addressing at least one social determinant of health. Discuss if the SPT have considered ethical principles or conflict of interest with stakeholders involved into the process [may look at the Public Health Code of Ethics (e.g., respect, compassion, honesty, confidentiality, integrity, public’s trust) if that. Use/list relevant references
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