Kick It Out Campaign – History of racism in sport.
For this assignment we will explore the Kick It Out Campaign. Explain the history of racism in sport and filter this through to football and also racism in football in England.
Kick It Out Campaign – History of racism in sport.
A Content Analysis on the #KickItOut Campaign – a general public. Literature review – Explain the history of racism in sport and filter this through to football and also racism in football in England. – Discuss any theory on race and which theory your study is adopting (i.e. critical race theory). – Discuss research on social media and racism in sport. – Discuss the anti-racism campaign of KickItOut. THROUHGOUT THIS YOU NEED TO SHOW HOW YOUR STUDY DIFFERS IN TERMS OF WHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE (E.G. USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA) Methods Content analysis(method) – Highlight how you used twitter as your online platform to conduct content analysis of racism in football, also explain why. Explain why you chose to use content analysis. Stress how you used the search term #KickItOut and other terms associated with this campaign.
Kick It Out Campaign – History of racism in sport.
Highlight how long you searched through Twitter (i.e. was it a weeks worth of content?) and why you did this time period. – Provide your inclusion and exclusion criteria (e.g. you did not include comments that were made by the official body responsible for the #KickItOut campaign). Comments retrieved where then put into a folder for analysis for future. Discuss how you then analyzed these comments – was this inductively (i.e. created themes based of your study findings) or deductively (i.e. you used previous literature and then used categories found there and connected your themes to theirs). Findings – How many comments were analyzed? Report on your key themes – do this written or in a table.
Kick It Out Campaign – History of racism in sport.
Discussion -Here make sense of what your study’s findings mean. Also, make sure throughout this you link to literature. – show what my own understanding of what the findings mean – connected the key findings/ results of my research to what other literature? à are there any commonalities or differences? Conclusion – Provide recommendations for areas of future research based on my findings.
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