James Madison and Alexis – The problem of despotism.
For this assignment we will focus on James Madison and Alexis de Tocqueville with regard to.. A) their institutional remedies for the problem of despotism. b) their respective understandings or definitions.
James Madison and Alexis – The problem of despotism.
1. Write an essay in which you draw a contrast between James Madison and Alexis de Tocqueville with regard to..A) their respective understandings or definitions of and b) their institutional remedies for the problem of despotism. So, to be clear, for Madison, despotism refers to the political problem to which all governments are vulnerable; you must define that problem. Also, in your detailed discussion of Madison’s remedies, be sure to explain how the cause of this political problem is central to its solution. And, with regard to your discussion of Tocqueville’s understanding of this political problem, be sure to explain the circumstances in Europe that he contends were responsible for the problem.
James Madison and Alexis – The problem of despotism.
2. One might characterize one of the primary lessons of John Locke’s discussion of the state of nature in his Second Treatise of Government as follows: “While _______________ makes government necessary, it also makes government dangerous.” After a) providing the missing word(s) and b) defining the concept of the state of nature, c) illuminate Locke’s discussion of the state of nature in order to explain the lesson mentioned. Finally, explain whether Locke’s discussion of the state of nature was entirely pessimistic. 3. Explain and discuss the significance for this course of two of the following items: (5 points each; 10 points total) * James Bryce * bill of attainder * Thomas Jefferson’s arguments for periodic constitutional revision * McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) * defects of the Articles of Confederation
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