International marketing. 2022 Best
This paper focuses on international marketing. Firstly, we will identify two examples of “successful” brand extension and two examples of “failed” brand extension. Please justify why you believe the brand extensions succeeded/failed.
International marketing.
Q1 We learned about brand extensions in class. Please identify two examples of “successful” brand extension and two examples of “failed” brand extension. Please justify why you believe the brand extensions succeeded/failed. With regards to the failed extensions, what should have the firms done differently? Please justify. Please use APA citation format. * Please do not use the Snickers Ice Cream Bars example that we discussed in class. Please make sure to provide ample justification i.e., just one or two sentences will not suffice. (10 points) Q2. Part 1: Please identify a brand that used/uses rational advertising appeal. Explain if the advertising appeal worked or failed. Please justify.
International marketing.
Part 2: Please identify a brand that used/uses emotional advertising appeal. Explain if the advertising appeal worked or failed. Please justify. Please use APA citation format. * Please do not use the Bounty Paper Towel and/or Cheerios Cereal examples that we discussed in class. Please make sure to provide ample justification i.e., just one or two sentences will not suffice. (10 points) Note 1: There is no page limit or word count limit. However, I strongly recommend keeping your answers to no more than 2 pages per question. Note 2: The Purdue Online Writing Lab is a tremendous resource. Please visit the following website to access the APA Formatting and Style Guide: