Instructional models and strategies – Electronic-based instructional technology.
This paper explores instructional models and strategies such as electronic-based instructional technology. So, to complete this task, you will need to read the 10 scenarios for each classroom case.
Instructional models and strategies – Electronic-based instructional technology.
To complete this task, you will need to read the 10 scenarios for each classroom case. Provided in the files. Task 4. Respond to the prompts below by writing a narrative. Generally, a paragraph for each response and 2 pages total for each case. Task 3 , generally about 2 pages and Task 4 about 2 pages. 4 pages total. If it’s more that’s okay. We can discuss when that happens. A. Read 10 scenarios in the area of “Instructional Models and Strategies” B. Reflect on the cases related to instructional models and strategies by doing the following. Be sure to use a different case for each set of requirements in part B (i.e., parts B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, and B6 must all address a different case). • include evidence from each case as support • identify each video by title or case number
Instructional models and strategies – Electronic-based instructional technology.
1. Describe how the teacher assesses student learning in one identified case. a. Evaluate the appropriateness of this assessment method for the learning environment observed in part B1. b. Explain one way you would adapt or modify this assessment to ensure that all students are successful. 2. Describe an instructional strategy that met the needs of students in a second identified case. a. Evaluate how well this instructional strategy met the needs of the students observed in part B2. Also, explain how you would implement this instructional strategy into your own teaching practices. 3. Describe how a learning theory is evident in a third identified case. Firstly, identify one theorist whose position aligns to this identified learning theory. Secondly, describe how you would apply this theory to your own teaching practice using a different approach within the same theory.
Instructional models and strategies – Electronic-based instructional technology.
4. Describe how the teacher in a fourth identified case incorporates electronic-based instructional technology in the classroom to enhance student learning. a. Evaluate how the electronic-based instructional technology was in part B4 enhances student learning. 5. Describe an instructional resource used for the lesson in a fifth identified case. a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this resource, including whether or not it is developmentally appropriate for the learners in the classroom in part B5. Note: Make sure your evaluation of the effectiveness of the resource aligns to best practices. Also, describe how you would use an additional resource to enhance student learning in the lesson observed in part B5.
Instructional models and strategies – Electronic-based instructional technology.
6. Describe how students in a sixth identified case were engaged in a listening, speaking, reading, writing, or thinking activity that provides opportunities for them to use higher-order thinking skills. a. Describe how you would enhance student engagement in higher-order thinking activities in the lesson observed in part B6. C. Considering all 10 cases, reflect on your current teaching philosophy as it relates to instructional strategies and models by providing the following… Firstly, write a description of your current teaching philosophy as it relates to instructional strategies and models. Secondly, write a description of strategies read in the cases that you would like to emulate, including evidence from at least one case as support. Thirdly, write a description of strategies in the cases that you would like to avoid, including evidence from at least one case as support
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