How couples in the UK negotiate intimacy – 2022 best

This research is about how couples in the UK negotiate intimacy in their relationships. This is a thematic analysis on the data extracts from four participant diaries.
How couples in the UK negotiate intimacy
Firstly, this research is about how couples in the UK experience &; negotiate intimacy in their relationships. Secondly, you are required to conduct and present a thematic analysis on the data extracts from four participant diaries which will be provided to you. Thirdly, this research is about how couples in the UK experience intimacy in their relationships. The qualitative lab classes will help you prepare for this coursework. Your thematic analysis must answer the research question: How do couples experience and negotiate intimacy in their everyday lives? The write-up Write up the thematic analysis in a practical report following the guidelines below.
How couples in the UK negotiate intimacy
The final report must be 1300 words (+/-10%), excluding references, and should only contain two sections – Method and Findings. 1. Method (approximately 500 words) • Give a brief overview of qualitative methods, justifying why they are appropriate for this research question. Describe the thematic analysis approach and its strengths. Also, describe how thematic analysis is conducted. Reference appropriate literature to support all your arguments in this section. 2. Findings (approximately 800 words). A sentence to introduce your key findings, referring the reader to Figure 1 – your thematic map. Present your final thematic map with the themes and their subthemes (remember to give the figure a title). Also, each theme should then be presented with appropriate quotes from the data to evidence your claims.
How couples in the UK negotiate intimacy
You can start by briefly describing the theme, and then support it by using a salient quote to illustrate your interpretation. Then give your interpretation e.g. this suggests that…/this illustrates that… Your interpretation should be grounded in the data and not ‘wild’ as though it has been plucked from thin air. The reader should be able to clearly see how you have arrived at your interpretation through the themes and description and quotes you have provided. In addition, remember transparency as a quality criterion for qualitative research.
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