General Medical Council requirements
Being a doctor is a responsible position and requires certain standards of professional behavior to be upheld. The General Medical Council (GMC) is a public body that maintains the official register of medical practitioners within the United Kingdom. Its main responsibility is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public. GMC does so by controlling entry to the register, and suspending or removing members when necessary. It also sets the standards for medical schools in the UK.
General medical council Requirements
- Organizations must demonstrate a culture that allows learners and educators to raise concerns about patient safety, and the standard of care openly.
- Organizations must investigate and take appropriate action locally to make sure concerns are properly dealt with. Concerns affecting the safety of patients or learners must be addressed immediately and effectively
- Organizations must demonstrate a learning environment and culture that supports learners to be open and honest with patients when things go wrong – known as their professional duty of candor – and help them to develop the skills to communicate with tact, sensitivity and empathy.
- They should develop a culture that both seeks and responds to feedback from learners and educators on compliance with standards of patient safety and care, and on education and training.
- Organizations must make sure that learners know about the local processes for educational and clinical governance and local protocols for clinical activities. .
- Organizations must have a reliable way of identifying learners at different stages of education and training. In addition, they should make sure all staff members take account of this.
- Doctors in training must take consent only for procedures appropriate for their level of competence. Learners must act in accordance with General Medical Council (GMC) guidance on consent.
- Handover of care must be in order and in proper schedule to provide continuity of quality care for patients.
- Organizations must make sure that work undertaken by doctors in training provides learning opportunities and feedback on performance, and also gives an appropriate breadth of clinical experience.
- Doctors in training must have time for learning while they are doing clinical or medical work, or during academic training.
Learners requirements
- Organizations must support every learner to be an effective member of the multi-professional team by promoting a culture of learning and collaboration between specialties and professions.
- Further, Organizations must have the capacity, resources and facilities to deliver safe and relevant learning opportunities for learners.
- Organizations must also make sure learners are able to meet with their educational supervisor as required by their curriculum.
- Learners’ responsibilities for patient care must be appropriate for their stage of education and training. Supervisors must determine a learner’s level of competence, confidence and experience and provide an appropriately graded level of clinical supervision
- Organizations must support learners and educators to undertake activity that drives improvement in education and training.
- Learners must have access to technology enhanced and simulation based learning opportunities within their training program.
- Organizations must make sure learners have an induction in preparation for each placement.
- Organizations must make sure there are enough staff members who are suitably qualified, so that learners have appropriate clinical supervision