Funding Opportunity Announcement 2022 Best

Assignment # 4: Use data requirements from a government Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) regarding accountable health and apply it to a health-related social needs assessment for a particular community.
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Assignment # 4: Use data requirements from a government Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) regarding accountable health and apply it to a health-related social needs assessment for a particular community. The FOA for the CMS Accountable Health Communities demonstration projects included the following list of health-related social needs: The core health-related social needs in the AHC model are defined as follows: housing instability and quality (e.g., homelessness, poor housing quality, inability to pay mortgage/rent); food insecurity; utility needs (e.g., difficulty paying utility bills); interpersonal violence(e.g., intimate partner violence, elder abuse, child maltreatment); and transportation needs beyond medical transportation.
Funding Opportunity Announcement
The supplemental health-related social needs in the AHC model can include but are not limited to: family and social supports (e.g., prenatal support services, child care, social isolation, respite services, caregiver support); education (e.g., English as a Second Language (ESL), General Educational Development (GED), or other education programs impacting social determinants of health); employment and income; and health behaviors (e.g., tobacco use, alcohol and substance use, or physical activity). Pick a community of interest (for the sake of ease, use a county or a city in city health dashboard).
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Then create a table that shows data indicating the degree to which each of the five core health-related social needs are a problem in the chosen county or city. In addition, see if you can find data (in county health rankings, in BRFSS, or in other sources) identifying any of the other supplemental health related social needs are important to your county – or if there are others that might be considered. Note: you may need to do a little research to find sources beyond county health rankings or city health dash board to find data on these needs, but they are all publicly available. Provide any explanatory text to accompany your table so the document becomes self-explanatory.
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