Football – changing social habits of men
Additional features Draft required 3 pages + well-structured + cited references Description Structure of chapter: • Firstly, theoretical section – use Mellor’s work – talk about the ideas of community – theoretical section (Define what a community is – schools, hospitals, prisons, community centres, council, women’s groups, charity groups) • Then what happened in the 1950s with social and economic change – changing social habits of men – the introduction of TV, and what impact it had on football – in reference to the decline in attendances. • The response of football – the slow modernisation and commercialisation of football; highlighted by the abolition of the maximum wage, but also in a greater commercial drive (Fans seen as customers) • Impact of hooliganism – how it affected footballs image and attendances etc • I will conclude by discussing what impact these changes have had on the relationship between football and its fans and community ideas; to what extent had it changed from the 1940s, compared to the 1970s.