Financial position report to investors – 2022 Best

In this part of the project, you will present a company’s financial position report to investors that will persuade them to invest money in this company. Include a PowerPoint presentation that you would use in a meeting with investors to illustrate the desirability of investing in this company.
Financial position report to investors
Accounting I Annual Report Final Project Instructions You have analyzed many aspects of a company. In this part of the project, you will present a report to potential investors that will persuade them to invest money in this company. Prepare a report that summarizes the financial position of the company. Additionally, include a PowerPoint presentation that you would use in a meeting with investors to illustrate the desirability of investing in this company. The complete report is due at the end of the course, however there are due dates for specific sections noted throughout the course.
Financial position report to investors
Please make sure to upload assignments to the corresponding dropbox folder prior to the deadlines for submission. Also, use separate files for Word documents and the PowerPoint presentation. Here are the specific instructions for the format of the annual report project. In this project, you will write and present an in-depth analysis of the company you choose. For my online classes “present” means you will provide a PowerPoint presentation of your report. This is an application of what you will have learned from class lectures, homework assignments, and your own research.
Financial position report to investors
Each person will electronically submit a written report in the appropriate D2L dropbox folder. No, late submissions. Format: for your report use one-inch margins all around. Double-space all of the report except charts and tables. Please use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. When using pronouns to refer to your company, please use “it” or “its,” not “they” or “their.” You may use charts and tables to summarize data when appropriate; otherwise, use sentences and paragraphs for narratives and comments. (I do not specify a length requirement, but Sections 2-7 should take from 6-10 pages to cover adequately.).
Financial position report to investors
Selecting a Company and Gathering Initial Information It is very important that you obtain an electronic copy of your company’s latest form 10-K by the second week of class. Submit this document to the dropbox by the requested date! For your information, the dollar figures in the financial statements of your annual reports will be presented in either thousands or millions. If your dollar amounts are listed in thousands, add 3 zeroes to get the actual amount. If your dollar amounts are in millions, add 6 zeroes.
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