Early years environment – 2022 best answer.

This assignment explores how the early years environment – KEY STAGE 1 provides a favorable environment in scaffolding the learning and development of all children.
Early years environment
Assessment Guidance Instructions and title of the assignment: ‘Write a report demonstrating an understanding of the EYFS/Key Stage 1, and consider how the early years’ environment provides a favorable environment in scaffolding the learning and development of all children. Looking at one of the EYFS areas of learning, plan an activity, which will meet the development and learning of all children. Learning Outcomes to be met: Firstly, demonstrateanunderstandingoftheunderpinningpolicy,andprinciplesofthe EYFS and Key Stage 1 curriculum nationally and internationally. Secondly, examineandevaluateoneaspectofthecurriculainrelationtochildren’slearning and development. Thirdly, examinetheroleofearlyyears’practitionersinprovidingafavourableenvironment and in scaffolding children’s learning development Guidance for the Report Use headings and subheadings. Introduction State the aim and intentions within this report. Introduce the structure that it will take, logically. PrinciplesandpoliciesoftheEYFS,NationalCurriculumKeyStage1andinternational perspectivesEYFSInthissectionshowwhatyouknowabouttheEYFSstatutoryframeworkandtheaccompanying Development Matters.
Early years environment
In addition, explain a bit about the history of early year’s education in UK. What legislation underpins it, now and previously. What is the plan in the current consultation for changing it? Introducethethemes,principlesandpracticefromEYFSandsaythesewillbeillustratedanddiscussedfurtherintherestoftheReport. Also Core and Specific areas*Supportfromreferencesfrombooksandarticlesaswellaslegislationandpolicydocuments is highly recommendedKS1 National Curriculum What legislation underpins it? Introduce the principlesExplainthepractice,coreandfoundationsubjects,programmesofstudyandattainment levels. Supportfromreferencesfrombooksandarticlesaswellaslegislationandpolicydocuments is highly recommended International Early Years CurriculaOfferabrief,butcritical,comparisonwithoneortwointernationalEYcurricula.PerhapsWalesorScotland?SwedenorGermany?Orsomewherefurtherafield. Also, what are the similarities and / or differences to EYFS? https://youtu.be/fm7hIwLXuTU
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