E-learning and distance learning 2022 Best
The effects of E-learning and distance learning in schools and businesses post COVID 19. In this six to eight page essay, you will develop your research and critical thinking skills and practice a variety of research techniques that you have learned and will use throughout your academic career.
E-learning and distance learning
In this six to eight page essay, you will develop your research and critical thinking skills and practice a variety of research techniques that you have learned and will use throughout your academic career. Specifically, you will practice locating, critically reading, and evaluating sources (CRAPP Test), writing summaries, analyzing and incorporating the work of others (synthesizing, paraphrasing, quoting, citing), and communicating and supporting your own ideas (BEAM Method). In other words, you will practice the skills you have been learning all semester.
E-learning and distance learning
Your task is to construct a problem-solution argument using sources for support. You need to choose a topic for this paper that you are interested in – it could be an issue in your life as a student, citizen, parent, friend, voter, etc. You may already know something about the problem, but there should be things that you still need to know about it. The problem you choose could have some personal relevance. However, the paper should be written in the third person point of view and must have significance beyond your own life. In the introduction of the paper, you will position yourself in relation to your topic.
E-learning and distance learning
Go back to your work on positionality and craft a statement of your position in relation to the problem about which you will write. Your introduction will also include, as always, your hook and thesis/claim. The first part of the body of your paper, you will summarize the problem as it exists today. In the second part of the body section of your paper, you will propose a solution, based on research to this problem and your own critical thinking abilities. You will need to present a claim, or thesis and support that claim with research from at least five credible sources.
The conclusion to the paper may be a prediction for what the future holds in relation to this problem, or what further research may be needed.
E-learning and distance learning
As you research, prioritize your time. Research can be tedious, frustrating, and it may take longer than you think because it is a college-level research project. Therefore, doing a research plan or using a calendar to schedule tasks is helpful. Remember: This is a research paper! Choose a topic that is a debatable problem. In other words, the problem itself might lend itself to more than one solution. Gather information from different sources, using the CRAAP TEST and BEAM Method to search for, evaluate, and use primary and secondary (scholarly and other types) sources. https://youtu.be/iwSOeRcX9NI
E-learning and distance learning
Develop your own solution based on your own thinking and on the information you have found. In other words, enter the conversation with your own point of view. Become an authority on your topic by evaluating, analyzing, comparing, rejecting, or agreeing with your sources. Explain and support your own thinking in the core of your paper. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Above are my professors instructions. The paper is researching and weighing the pro/cons and effects of distance learning as it has grown significantly post COVID.