Durer Fall of Man – Contextual analysis
This assignment involves writing contextual analysis paper focusing on Durer Fall of Man – Contextual analysis. A contextual analysis is a research-based paper, as discussed in both Look! (see pages 83-113) and Writing About Art (see pages 89-122), that uses this research to analyze a given artwork.
Durer Fall of Man – Contextual analysis.
2nd version – Durer Fall of Man. This is the instructions: “For this assignment, you are working towards a polished 5-7 page contextual analysis of your assigned artwork that is due. A contextual analysis is a research-based paper, as discussed in both Look! (see pages 83-113) and Writing About Art (see pages 89-122), that uses this research to analyze a given artwork. In a contextual analysis, you are crafting an argument based on BOTH the visual AND on research from outside sources. There should still be elements of formal analysis within this paper, because your argument is still about the artwork.
Durer Fall of Man – Contextual analysis.
In other words, within a contextual analysis, you are still analyzing the artwork.. This is a paper based around a thesis, which is your argument/interpretation of the work – but with the addition of research into the details around the context in which it was created. The artist’s career, other academic’s insights into the artwork, etc. For this paper, your thesis should be about the artwork. While you are doing outside research, you are not in a position to make an argument about the artist overall or the culture or all of art.. Your focus remains on your artwork. The goal of this paper is not to include every piece of information that you have learned or every detail that you have noticed…. Your goal is to write an academic paper that makes a specific argument about a specific artwork using both visual evidence and research.
Durer Fall of Man – Contextual analysis.
You need to cite all sources using Chicago style [see handout], whether they are direct quotations or paraphrased. Anytime you use a direct quotation, you should use a “quotation sandwich”. Cite at least three academic sources and include at least one “quotation sandwich.”.. This is expected to be polished writing, following the rules of grammar and organization taught by the Writing Center in weeks 5-7. We have built towards this paper through learning how to read for the main idea. Three sessions with the library about how to do research. How to write an annotated bibliography, and in discussing citations and the quotation sandwich.”
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