Does culture matter – 2022 Best

Question: Does culture matter? Guns, Germs, and Steel addresses how western cultures came to dominate the world. In his text, however, Diamond seems to ignore why they would want to do so.
Does culture matter
Paper details Your essay should be typed, 4-5 pages, with 1-inch margins, double-spaced, with a font no larger than 12 pt. It is not necessary to consult any sources other than your text books or lecture notes to compose a good (or even great) essay. If you do use outside sources, however, you must cite them. Sources other than the assigned materials may be used to supplement the assigned readings, but not as a replacement. The essay is not a research paper, but a reflection on the course readings.
Does culture matter
Your answers should, however, minimally do the following 1) Demonstrate that you understand the concepts to which the question refers by defining as necessary the key terms. 2) Illustrate key points with examples taken from lectures, readings, or other sources. 3) Answer all parts of the question. Question: Does culture matter? Guns, Germs, and Steel addresses how western cultures came to dominate the world. In his text, however, Diamond seems to ignore why they would want to do so.
Does culture matter
Analyze the economic, social, and cultural factors that promoted European expansion and spread European culture around the world. Your discussion should include a discussion of World Systems Theory and the spread of European culture after 1400. Consider also whether Diamond’s book would be better if he included a discussion of culture as well as geography (you may wish to consider Diamond’s defense of his approach and the reasons why he thinks that culture is unimportant).
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