Democratic and Republican political parties 2022 Best

Democratic and Republican political parties

This assignment focuses on comparing and contrasting the Democratic and Republican political parties. Content: The two major political parties in the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans.

Democratic and Republican political parties

Content: The two major political parties in the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans. The last few years, we as nation have become even more politically polarized and divided. A major theme throughout this course will be the examination of one of our society’s major institutions, the polity…a form of government of a nation, state, church, or organization. United States claims to be …. a government by the people, and for the people. Are we really? This is a point that can be well debated.

Democratic and Republican political parties

However, what we do know is that the two leading political parties, the bases of the Democratic and the Republican parties have alternated back and forth in setting United States’ political agenda. This assignment is an opportunity to explore more the ideas and principals involved in our election process. The paper must cover and include the following five (5) areas of focus. Compare and contrast the Democratic and the Republican parties. Identify at least three (3) ideological differences between the parties. What do the parties represent, what do they stand for? Define, examine, and evaluate the Democrats and the Republicans’ platform/agenda current agenda.

Democratic and Republican political parties

What is the Democrats’ agenda, and likewise for the Republicans, what do they hope to accomplish, what are their major issues and concerns? Listen to the news, read newspapers, explore various websites, and determine how both the Democrats and Republicans are aiming to achieve their goals over the course of the next several years. Of the items chosen in questions 3 above, select any (3) three items/issue that specifically will have on impact on the area of human services. From your perspective, what potential impact will it have on the county if the proposed agendas are implemented or are carried out. What can be done to engage more people in the process.

Democratic and Republican political parties

To actually makes the process more of a government for the people, by the people. Conclude the paper by stating your feelings on the process. Include in your paper in your opinion on if the parties are on point and have a good handle on what is important to the masses (majority of people in the country). What do you feel are the most important issues and why? Basically, are the issues and concerns you have been addressed? If not, what should be included? Your assignments must follow these formatting requirements:

Democratic and Republican political parties

1. Paper length 5-6 pages, typed, double spaced, using Times Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; reference must follow APA format. If you are not familiar with APA, please go online a research, and be guided on how to format the paper. 2. The paper should be written in five (5) section sections, with each of the above listed focus areas used to head up each section. 3. Use technology and information resource to reach issues discussed. All resource must be sited using APA format. This includes listing all sources referenced in a bibliography. NOTE: This paper assignment must be an original work, write in your own words, TURNITIN will be used to check for plagiarism.

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