Corporate Entrepreneurship: Human Resources Management

This article discusses the connection between high-performance work systems and corporate entrepreneurship. HR systems promise to play a prominent role in helping to develop both human and social capital necessary to build large firms with entrepreneurial capabilities.


Case Study- Corporate Entrepreneurship


Being a Neobank, Revolut provides various financial services and products to multiple consumers and other organizations. It has effectively tapped into the mobile banking sector by using mobile applications for different devices’ operating systems. Considering that it is a Neobank, it does not have any physical branches; thus, its structure centralizes on a virtual platform making it more accessible to different parties. Revolut implements various business models to ensure that it taps into varying levels of the financial hierarchy.

It has helped the organization accommodate other subscription plans, international transfers, interest, withdrawals, and overdraft paid on loans. This has been constructed through multiple frameworks that have made it easier for the organization to streamline various options to benefit various organization stakeholders. Streaming the operations has allowed the company to conduct multiple transactions faster and less time required to complete various actions initiated by the bank or the consumers.

Despite not having a centralized physical location for offering its services, it still has much-needed human resource management to please various stakeholders responsible for ensuring that the organization works at a highly efficient level. Human resource management is one aspect that has effectively created the best environment for protecting the relevant stakeholders. This explains where the organization has a highly effective workforce designed to promote its efficiency, accountability, and development. This case study highlights how Revolut has implemented various human resource models to meet the needs and take full advantage of available in the financial market by focusing on different entrepreneurship elements.

Entrepreneurial DNA

Revolut’s entrepreneurial DNA’s foundation is behind the multiple stakeholders that help the organization run. The identity of Revolut is been built from the lowest rank to the highest rank. This is also a way of preserving and promoting various factors that separate it from its counterparts. The organization has specialist corporate entrepreneurship considering that it has effectively focused on the mobile application for their finance strategy, meaning that this has allowed Revolut to implement the ASTD competency model as per bringing the most efficient individuals to help steer it to an economically advantageous position (Mamabolo et al. 2017).

Revolut’s entrepreneurial DNA’s focal point lies in the specific details that allow its workers to provide the best services to their consumers and clients, thus allowing them to measure their success on a personal level. This type of organizational construction relies on providing the best services as well as better development and success.

Constructing Entrepreneurial Teams

The HRM makes a choice of which talent, skills and collaborative teams is necessary for the work. The construction of various groups in Revolut is on the basis of promoting autonomy and taking ownership in the team projects and initiatives.

The objective of the organization is to build an entrepreneurial team that also has similar statistics. The teams responsible for various organization issues have a common goal: to solve problems efficiently than their market counterparts. Furthermore, recognizing the importance of these teams is focalized on eliminating organizational bureaucracy, which is a major barrier to the development and progress of various efforts responsible for adapting to the great competition in the finance sector around the world (Ravjee, 2017).

The benefits include competitive salary, the latest tech, as well as biannual equity bonuses.

International Human Resource Practices

Revolut effectively compliments international human resource practices by efficiently utilizing the employees for critical global operations. This can be highlighted by the recruitment of 1000 employees.  They should form a team whose objective is to maintain the rapid growth of international presence in the finance sector. Further, H.R. value chain model is the best representation f how the organizations operate on a global level as per managing human resources (Tang et al. 2019).

The planning and succession plan on an international organization lies on this model. Which is focal to the H.R. activities of the entire operation. Additionally, a long history informs the organization’s practices on an international level based on credible evidence and financial data. It effectively accounts for the impacts of the situational factors that various stakeholders raise on an international level.

Technological advancement and cultural awareness are central to Revolut’s approach on an international level. Furthermore, it takes into consideration the two factors and how they shape the entire international finance market. This has also allowed the organization to tap into the virgin market in different regions as per mobile financing.

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