Consumer attitude and behavior. 2022 Best
This paper answers question on consumer attitude and behavior. Each question should be 500 words, 1500 words total for 3 questions – All the questions will be on consumer behavior – The assignment should include 5 additional academic resources
Consumer attitude and behavior.
Assignment information and Instructions – For the Assignment 3 questions to answer – Each question should be 500 words, 1500 words total for 3 questions – All the questions will be on consumer behavior – The assignment should include 5 additional academic resources other than the ones I will be provided below. – For each question there should be an example, it could be using own example or could be a case study or real-world example. – Here is an example format: “Discuss how markets can increase consumer involvement in low-involvements decisions” – Jump straight in with brief statement of consumer decision making process and definition(and your own example) of a low involvement decision.
Consumer attitude and behavior.
Outline some of the strategies a marketer might use to increase involvement. Give examples, including real-world cases, touch on relevant academic literature – Offer some thoughts about the limitations of the underlying concept(using academic literature where relevant) and why the strategies might not work. Assignment topic questions 1. Using examples, discuss how “nudge” techniques could be used to promote the purchase of “plant-based” alternative to meat products Key term and clarification: Nudges- the way humans function is into dual process theory of thought. Can help archiving more sustainable behavior.
Consumer attitude and behavior.
System 1: fast/automatic System 2: Slow/effortful logical – Default Nudge: An example would be accept cookies when visit a website – Choice architecture nudge: An example would be a design of stairs that are made into a piano to encourage people to take the stairs rather than the escalator to combat obesity. References: – Trummers (2019), Public Policy and Behavior Change. Public Administration Review 79(6): page 925-930 – Gestel, M. A. Adriaanse & D. T. D. De Ridder (2020) Do nudges make use of automatic processing? Unraveling the effects of a default nudge under type 1 and type 2 processing, Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/23743603.2020.1808456
Consumer attitude and behavior.
2. Consumers’ attitudes and behaviors are not always aligned. Discuss the ways in which consumers may try to reduce the resultant tension and how marketers may also help with this. Illustrate answer with own examples. Key terms: Attitude – Hierarchy of effects: High/low involvement, emotional/behavioral hierarchy – Functional vs. constructive view on attitudes – Dissonance theory: people are motivated to change their attitude or behavior to maintain consistency and reduce feelings of dissonance – Persuasion References: – Argyriou, E. and Melewar, T. C. (2011). Consumer attitudes revisited: A review of attitude theory in marketing research.
Consumer attitude and behavior.
International Journal of Management Reviews, 13(4), 431-451. – Schlosser, A. (1998). Applying the functional theory of attitudes to understanding the influence of store atmosphere on store inferences. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 7(4), 345-369. 3. What are “low-involvement” decisions and what strategies could a marketer use to increase involvement in the consumer decision making process? Illustrate response with reference to practical examples. Key Terms: Decision Making, Bias – Low involvement: Brand switchers, information seekers(more passive process_