Comparing jump techniques (squat and countermovement jump)
This assignment entails comparing jump techniques (squat jump and countermovement jump). Firstly, give an account of underlying mechanical principles relevant to human movement.
Comparing jump techniques (squat and countermovement jump).
Topic: A comparison of jump techniques: Firstly, give an account of underlying mechanical principles relevant to human movement. Secondly, explain human movement in terms of anatomical and biomechanical principles. Thirdly, give an account of how the neuromuscular system controls movement. Fourthly, conduct a set of laboratory exercises relevant to the module, and write reports of these in appropriate scientific style. Also, use theoretical principles to analyze and evaluate sporting technique in the context of injury prevention and performance enhancement. Assessment details: A key sporting skill is the ability to produce maximal force to jump as high as possible. In this coursework, you will be analyzing two different jump techniques (squat jump and countermovement jump) to determine which produces the greater height.
Comparing jump techniques (squat and countermovement jump).
This coursework is a comparison of the two techniques, write it as a lab report. It must contain the following sections: Title Keep the title short and concise, no more than twelve words. The title should capture the aim of the practical. Introduction (10%) Give an introduction to key terms including an explanation as to why it is useful to be able to maximise jump height in sport or dance. Give a background of the sport/dance movement you are interested in and how this relates to the performance in your sport/dance. Include aim/hypothesis of study (H0 and H1 format). Method (10%) (Participants / Protocol / Calculations) Your methodology is complete if someone else could repeat the experiment in the same way that you carried it out.
Comparing jump techniques (squat and countermovement jump).
Calculation section only describes the calculations that were performed (e.g. repeated measures T-test), not the numbers or results of the calculations. Results (20%) Either as tabular or graphical format – not both. Must include a short note of points of interest. Do give the means and standard deviation of data reported. Do not discuss the results in this section.
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