Communication Management Plan : Managing Operations and Projects
Communication management is a vital element of every project. When managing operations, there are two main groups of people with whom the project manager needs to ensure clear and effective communication, the stakeholders and the project team.
A communications management plan can organize and document the process, types, and expectations of communications.
A communication management plan provides:
- Stakeholder communication
- Details on how needed information flows through the project to the correct individuals.
- Instructions on how the communications management plan can be updated as the project progresses.
- Schedules of when the various types of communication should occur.
Your Project Plan will cover project scope management, project time management, project cost management, project risk management, and project communication management.
Instructions on managing operations and projects
1) You must use the table -Project-Planning-Template-2020-21-V3.2 and write everything into this document. You also must delete the text in blue which is the and guidance on where and what to write and how to fill it.
It does not have to be on a word document as a text. However, you must fill everything in the Project Planning Temple.
2) The structure does not have to be as a report it has to be filled in the Project Planning Temple.
3) You must also create a real project Student Graduation plan and not just explain what the different components mean. We must not include an explanation of the different components. what do they mean and what is their use. Communication management must be clear
This should look like a real managing operations project with a real budget, people, number of students, etc. Additionally, you must include the place where the ceremony will take a place and in general how everything will be organized and composed by using the navigation and the different parts, components such as time management, Project Scope, Work Breakdown Structure [WBS] and so on.
5) Furthermore, you must create a diagram in a different word document – please use the word file of how to do it it is named
-Simple node for Network Diagram! So, all diagrams and temples must be on a different word document!
Additional Files