Changing health care system. 2022 Best

Changing health care system.

Purpose It is becoming increasingly important for registered nurses to assume a leadership role in a changing health care system. Hence, registered nurses must be able to assess and act to fulfill their own learning needs in order to work to their full scope of practice.

Changing health care system.

Purpose It is becoming increasingly important for registered nurses to assume a leadership role in a changing health care system. Hence, registered nurses must be able to assess and act to fulfill their own learning needs in order to work to their full scope of practice. To complete this assignment, consider an issue or trend in nursing or health care and choose one of the options from the bulleted list below. Your papers must be scholarly in presentation, reflective of course content, and although they may be related to one another, they must not be duplications. The following is a brief description of each type of paper/project.

Changing health care system.

Note: There is a 10 page limit for all written papers excluding title and reference pages. (with the exception of the professional portfolio): Paper/Project Options: Website Critique:: is a formalized, critical appraisal of a website; the goal is to turn critical reading into a systematic evaluation in order to deepen insight into that website. This is an analysis of several (5-7) interesting Web sites that relate to a particular issue and or take a position on that issue. Critique the verifiability of information in each web site including the authority of the Web site. Compare and contrast how the issue is presented, and provide an executive summary of each Web site.

Changing health care system.

Assessment Overview Intellectual Indebtedness and Academic Integrity | Assignments | Assignment Marking Criteria | Assignment 1 | Assignments 2 & 3| Assignments Expectations Intellectual Indebtedness and Academic Integrity Students enrolled in Athabasca University courses are considered to be responsible scholars and are therefore expected to adhere rigorously to the principles of academic integrity both in assignments and tests. In order to maintain test question security, duplication or sharing of quiz and test questions is not permitted. Please read the Athabasca University Student Academic Misconduct Policy. Plagiarism is a form of intellectual dishonesty in which another person’s work is presented as one’s own.

Changing health care system.

Be certain that whenever you use a secondary source in your course work and assignments you reference your source in a consistent and logical manner. All direct quotes (quotations of any number of words from the original) and indirect quotes (paraphrased ideas) must be acknowledged. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism, and as with any form of academic misconduct, it will be penalized. Penalties may take the form of rejection of the submitted work; expulsion from the examination, the course or the program; or legal action, depending on the specific nature of the infraction. Dutiful citation of quotes and paraphrased materials does not mean that you can write an essay assignment by stringing together a series of quotes.

Changing health care system.

You should always try to summarize or describe someone else’s ideas in your own words. When you present your own ideas or opinions in a paper, provide evidence or arguments to substantiate your position. For information about the reference and citation styles of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA current edition), and how to write scholarly papers, visit Athabasca University’s Library Help Centre. All written assignments in this course must: use correct spelling and grammar; adhere to APA format.

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