Changes in Medicare. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore changes in Medicare. The U.S. created Medicare, a publicly funded healthcare program, to assist people sixty-five years of age and older in obtaining healthcare services.
Changes in Medicare.
The U.S. created Medicare, a publicly funded healthcare program, to assist people sixty-five years of age and older in obtaining healthcare services. Tasks: Summarize the legislation that introduced Medicare and the funding source for the program. Discuss some of the changes that have occurred in the Medicare program since its inception. Describe the demographics of the population covered by Medicare and identify the number of people in the U.S. covered by Medicare. Assess how changes in Medicare will affect the citizens and legal residents in your state.
Changes in Medicare.
Include specific demographic information on age, race, income, etc., for your state to justify your response. From the Internet, review the following: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid. (2017). CMS’ program history. Retrieved from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid. (2015). The Affordable Care Act and Medicare. Retrieved from Cubanski, J. (2016, December 13).
Changes in Medicare.
What are the implications of repealing the ACA for Medicare spending and beneficiaries. Retrieved from
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