Case scenario for Gina – theoretical approach
This paper focuses on a case scenario for Gina and identify the best theoretical approach that applies to the scenario. When working with clients/students it is important that we as counselors are purposeful with our words, use of skills, use of techniques, and our exhibited behaviors.
Case scenario for Gina – theoretical approach.
Topic: A Case for Gina
Firstly, when working with clients/students it is important that we as counselors are purposeful with our words, use of skills, use of techniques, and our exhibited behaviors. Secondly, the theory is what helps to guide how we conceptualize client situations and work with our clients and students. Each week, we will introduce you to a small handful of different theoretical approaches. For each weekly assignment (weeks 1-4) you will be provided a case scenario. You will also be offered the opportunity to choose which theoretical approach (covered in class that week) to apply to the case scenario. Also, make sure to fully respond to each question and to use the rubric to guide your writing (the rubric is used to determine your grade).
Case scenario for Gina – theoretical approach.
In addition, your assignments should be written in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines and contain two professional sources. Your text-book may count as one of your resources). Although there is not a minimum page length requirement for these assignments, you will likely need to write a minimum of one page per each of the 5 below sections to full address all the prompts within each section in accordance with the rubric requirements. See the assignment template to help you organize your writing. 1) Presenting Concern/s: a. Identify which of this week’s theoretical approaches you will use to conceptualize the case and why. b. What do you see as the client’s presenting concerns/basic conflicts? c. Based upon the concerns you identified, discuss which you would address first and why based upon the theoretical approach.
Case scenario for Gina – theoretical approach.
2) One Central Concept of the Approach: a. Identify one central concept of the approach (other than any you previously use to answer the above question) and describe the central concept. b. Explain how the central concept is relevant to working with the client or understanding the case. 3) One Technique: a. Identify one strategy or technique you could use with the client and describe the strategy or technique. b. Discuss why you chose the technique for use with this client. 4) Dialogue: This section contains two parts: a. Provide a 5×5 (or longer) practice dialogue (5 counselor statements and 5 client statements) to give us a brief snapshot of how you would go about using the above strategy or technique.
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