Black Theology of Liberation – She Who Is by Elizabeth.
For this assignment we will critically compare a Black Theology of Liberation by James Cone and She Who Is by Elizabeth Johnson on their Christology—what they say about Jesus Christ.
Black Theology of Liberation – She Who Is by Elizabeth.
A Black Theology of Liberation by James Cone and She Who Is by Elizabeth Johnson. The book you must incorporate into the essay is A Black Theology by James Cone and She Who Is by Elizabeth Johnson. Please try to find a physical or digital copy so the mandatory information is correct. Instructions are below. Thank you! Critically compare Cone and Johnson on their Christology—what they say about Jesus Christ. Structure your answer by providing 1) some analysis of their argument, 2) offering comparison of points of similarity and difference, and 3) then your own critical voice on what you think makes theological sense and what doesn’t.
Black Theology of Liberation – She Who Is by Elizabeth.
Try to remember that what they say about their Christology has something to do with how they think theology should be done. So before you get to the Jesus Christ part, you need to offer some analysis of how they envision the task of theology. DO NOT use citations from the text. It should all be in your own words. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a book report, but more like a book review. You do not need secondary sources for the exam, though you may consult to help you better understand the texts. Not to exceed 10 pages (and I find hard for you to do this in less than 7)
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