Artificial Lighting in Museums and Art Galleries
Artificial lighting and sustainable design. Worldwide electrical lighting consumes around 19% of total global electricity. Producing 1900 Mt of CO2 per year equivalent to 70% of the emissions from all the world’s cars. We can tell it’s a big number.
Lighting accounts for around 15% of energy costs in homes and around 25% in commercial buildings. Light is routinely supplied to spaces. If no one is present, and over lighting occurs even though visual functions are insensitive to light levels beyond certain thresholds. The availability of powerful and affordable artificial lighting has allowed designers and architects to create a deep plan. This deep plan can be dark boxes, where are the best source of light that means daylight, cannot reach. Here are two cases. The left is atrium space dominated by daylighting; the right side is office room has artificial lighting and daylighting together.
Artificial lighting: basic principles.
1: light for visual functions.
Illumination of task area to meet standards. Second, glare free and convenient.
Light for biological and wellbeing effects. Supporting people sick and in rhythm to keep health and wellbeing.
Also, it can stimulate or make people feel relaxed.
Light for emotional perceptions. Lighting can enhance architecture and enhance architectural levels or other qualities.
Also, it can create sense and effects indoor or outdoor.
Light for sustainability. Balancing light quality with energy use. Integrating or controlling artificial and natural light that’s really important task in the
What is a light, physically?
Light is a simply a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum. According to this wavelength we can find that: this area is visible wavelength,
i.e., the light.
What is the light?
Based on these wavelengths, we found visible light has a wavelength from 380NM to 780NM. So, look at this, the response of the human eye to a small range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. The eye varies in sensitivity with the colour of the light, the colour of
the light means the different wavelengths.
Why did the human eye adapt to be most sensitive to these wavelengths? Because they are the most ‘energy’ in the solar spectrum.
According to these curves we found visible part just located at the peak area that most energy, higher-level energy. We call this part as a
visible spectrum vision. More than 80% of the information we receive from the physical world
passes through our eyes. The physical world is captured by the eye through different approaches.
First, there is: the light enters through the pupil. Second, the light is focused by a lens onto the retina at the back of the
eye. The retina will convert the light into signals. These signals will be transmitted to and interpreted by the brain.
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