Argumentative research essay. 2022 Best

Argumentative research essay.

This assignment involves writing an argumentative research essay. For this essay, you will take a position on a topic that’s important to you, make a strong claim, and argue for that position.

Argumentative research essay.

Paper details For this essay, you will take a position on a topic that’s important to you, make a strong claim, and argue for that position. You must support your claim with valid reasoning, and with outside sources (your research sources). You must also effectively acknowledge potential counter-arguments, and address them. Begin with an introduction that provides enough background for your reader to understand your position or subject. Your introduction should end with a clear thesis statement, which presents your central claim and summarizes your supporting reasons.

Argumentative research essay.

The body of the paper will go into detail on those supporting reasons, backing your claims up with the evidence gathered throughout your research. Here are the guidelines for this assignment. Your finished essay should: Be 5-7 pages, properly formatted according to MLA guidelines & carefully proofread. Your Works Cited page is not included in this page count. Present a strong central claim that is clearly stated in a thesis statement. Provide the background information necessary for your reader to understand your argument: Support your central claim with good reasons, utilizing outside sources when appropriate.

Argumentative research essay.

Include properly formatted MLA in-text citations each time a source is used. Address potential counter-argument(s). Maintain a credible, academic tone throughout. Have an interesting and appropriate title Cite a minimum of five (5) research sources. All sources must come from academic databases, unless your instructor has approved an exception. Include a Works Cited page which lists all sources. Citations must be complete and correct, in MLA 8 format. See Chapter 52 of the textbook for templates and other guidance. Your argument should present good reasoning along with outside sources (a minimum of five) to support your central claim and address potential counter-arguments.

Argumentative research essay.

You should strive for an academic, authoritative tone in this paper to assure your reader of your credibility. You must use correct and complete MLA citations, both in-text citations and a correct Works Cited page. Since this is the final essay for the course, there will be no revision period in place – keep this in mind, and take extra care with this paper. Composing a careful, well-structured argument and being meticulous about source use will serve you well here! If you would like to see sample essays, you will find one in the Lecture and Readings folder for this section and additional examples in Chapter 64 of the textbook.

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