A sustainable business – Best 2022

Analyze what it means to be a sustainable business and the relationship of profitability and sustainability. Assess the main motivations for engagement in sustainable business practices.
A sustainable business
Objectives: CO1: Analyze what it means to be a sustainable business and the relationship of profitability and sustainability. CO2: Assess the main motivations for engagement in sustainable business practices. CO8: Develop a plan to address the political, regulatory, or technological environments that impact organizations’ supply chain sustainability as well as the strategies. Prompt: Review the case entitled “Chapter 9 Case: Brewing a Better World. Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR), Inc.” in the Sustainable Business Case Book.
A sustainable business
Analyze the case responding to the following questions: Describe how GMCR was able to grow and increase profitability by selling single-cup coffee. Then discuss the significance of single-cup coffee packaging and how it relates to sustainability. Is single-cup brewing compatible with sustainability? Why or why not? Also, can GMCR maintain its leadership in sustainable business practice and continue to grow its single-cup coffee business? View the following websites: Keurig Recycling https://news.keuriggreenmountain.com/sites/keurig.newshq.businesswire.com/files/image/additional/Recyclable_K-Cup_Fact_Sheet_June_2016.pdf Press Release: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. Introduces Smart Technology to Small Office Brewers with Launch of Keurig® Vue® Brewing System with RFID Technology
A sustainable business
3. How does the Vue support, if at all, GMCR’s claims that its new brewer technology and its packs of plastic cup are more environmentally friendly? Also, is GMCR doing enough to address its environmental critiques? 4. What happens to GMCR now that its main competitor, Starbucks, is selling single-cup brewers in their stores and after its K-Cup patent expires? Will this increase the company’s reliance on sustainable business practices with Vue and other similarly focused initiatives? Within the single-cup segment of the coffee market will GMCR be able to continue to distinguish itself by its sustainability effort and can sustainability efforts contribute to future profitability and stock price appreciation? https://youtu.be/lI9nNv0W9JI
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