7S Model and Stakeholders – Network security.
For this assignment we will focus on the 7S Model and Stakeholders. Network security has become more important to personal computer users, organizations, academic and governmental institutions and even to military institutions.
7S Model and Stakeholders – Network security.
Network security has become more important to personal computer users, organizations, academic and governmental institutions and even to military institutions. This is because the advent of the internet has brought many security concerns especially the structure of the internet which allows many security threats to occur. Many businesses secure themselves from the internet by means of firewalls, encryption mechanisms, detection systems and many other techniques. Those businesses create an “intranet”, secured from possible threats in order to assure reliability and availability. The loss of network access is no longer a minor inconvenience because it can negatively affect business activity, productivity, customer satisfaction and profitability.
7S Model and Stakeholders – Network security.
Now imagine you are the Project Manager who heads up a small team at XYZ University tasked with securing the Local Area Network of the university. Keep in mind that you are considering the management part of this task more than the technical part of it. Complete the following assignment components: 1. Using the 7-S model/ structure, make notes on what you think are the important issues the project manager has to deal with in this project. 2. Using the MODeST model, identify 5 examples of issues that make this project moderately complex. Write brief notes explaining THREE of these examples.
7S Model and Stakeholders – Network security.
3. Identify at least 5 major stakeholders in this project. Specify which of the 4 categories of power/interest each one fits (see table below). Pick ONE of these stakeholders and write brief notes on what you think the Project Manager needs to do before, during and (if relevant) after the project is executed, to satisfy the stakeholder’s interests/wishes.
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