3 Model System Report.
This assignment entails writing a 3 Model System Report. So, here is the outline I) Cover Page II) Introduction (1 Pages) a. What is your “Hobby”? b. What is your “Hobby-Based Business” c. What is your “Overall Issue” d. Describe how the “3 Model System” you designed will address the “Overall Issue”.
3 Model System Report.
The “3 Models System” Report Outline I) Cover Page II) Introduction (1 Pages) a. What is your “Hobby”? b. What is your “Hobby-Based Business” c. What is your “Overall Issue” d. Describe how the “3 Model System” you designed will address the “Overall Issue”. III) System Model One – (2 Pages). a. Describe the topic that this model addresses. b. Model Explanation and Formulation c. Analysis and Interpretation of the solution. IV) System Model Two – (2 Pages). a. Describe the topic that this model addresses. b. Model Explanation and Formulation c. Analysis and Interpretation of the solution. V) System Model Three – (2 Pages). a. Describe the topic that this model addresses. b. Model Explanation and Formulation
3 Model System Report.
c. Analysis and Interpretation of the solution. VI) Implementation of Findings – (1 Pages) a. What needs to change? Actions you would take. b. When does it need to change? Timing of the action taken. c. Who needs to know about the actions taken? – Internal People – External People VII) Conclusion – Summary of the “most important findings” in your analysis. (1/2 Page). APPENDIXES: Appendix “A” – Solutions for the First Model (Must be turned in with the report) Appendix “B” – Solutions for the Second Model (Must be turned in with the report) Appendix “C” – Solutions for the Third Model (Must be turned in with the report)
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